Value Engineering Services


We categorise value into 3 types:

Value Protection

Preserving the existing value by reducing or mitigating risks and costs.

Value Enhancement

Improving the existing value by enhancing performance and efficiency.

Value Creation

Creating new value through innovation and the implementation of novel ideas.

The utilisation of technology serves two primary objectives:

Enabling the delivery of value to customers with both speed and scale, thereby facilitating the generation of revenue inwardly to the business at a similar pace and magnitude.

Reducing or removing costs and risks.

Value Protection Examples

Headless Solutions:

Seamlessly decoupling the frontend and backend, headless solutions can increase system security by allowing more targeted protection measures.By using headless architecture, a financial institution can secure its backend data more effectively, reducing the risk of data breaches.


Corezoid, a process engine, can be used to automate and monitor system processes, ensuring consistent performance and risk mitigation. Example: A retail business can use Corezoid to monitor inventory levels and automate reordering, protecting against stockouts and lost sales.


DevOps practices include continuous integration and continuous deployment, ensuring that security patches and updates are applied promptly. Example: A healthcare provider can use DevOps practices to maintain HIPAA compliance by regularly updating security protocols.

AI Chatbots:

AI chatbots can be used to handle sensitive customer interactions, following stringent privacy and security protocols. Example: A bank can use an AI chatbot to authenticate customer identities, protecting against fraud.

Value Enhancement Examples

Headless Solutions:

Headless solutions enhance the development process by allowing frontend and backend to evolve independently.Example: An e-commerce platform like can expand its market by quickly adapting its backend to various frontends like mobile, desktop, or IoT devices.


Corezoid enhances value by streamlining business processes, increasing efficiency, and reducing errors. A logistics company can use Corezoid to automate and optimize routing, reducing delivery times and costs.


DevOps methodologies enhance collaboration, efficiency, and responsiveness in development cycles.Example: By adopting DevOps, can increase its deployment frequency, enhancing its responsiveness to market demands.

AI Chatbots:

AI chatbots enhance customer service by providing instant, personalized responses. Example: A travel agency can use an AI chatbot to provide tailored travel recommendations, enhancing customer satisfaction.

Value Enhancement Examples

Headless Solutions:

Headless architecture creates value by fostering innovation and enabling rapid adaptation to new technologies and markets. Example: can create new revenue streams by easily integrating with emerging platforms and technologies.


Corezoid enables the creation of new services and products through rapid prototyping and deployment. Example: A financial firm can use Corezoid to quickly launch new, tailored financial products to meet emerging customer needs.


DevOps practices foster a culture of collaboration and experimentation, creating value through continuous innovation. Example: A tech company using DevOps can create value by continually iterating and improving its products, staying ahead of competitors.

AI Chatbots:

AI chatbots can create new customer engagement channels, offering personalized experiences and insights. Example: A healthcare provider can use an AI chatbot to create a virtual health assistant, offering personalized medical advice and thereby creating a new value-added service.

In summary, these technologies and methodologies play distinct roles across the domains of value protection, enhancement, and creation, each contributing to a more robust, efficient, and innovative digital ecosystem.

By focusing on these value vectors, Digital Firm Solutions sources and secures the best possible change and value outcomes for your organisation, in turn enabling you to create more sales, retain existing customers and gain new referrals.